Monday 13 February 2012

5 Daily Smilies

5 Daily Smilies. What's this? Well, since I can't blog half as much as I'd like, I thought about posting daily mini-blogs about what I do for conservation every day. Whether it's signing a petition, reading an article, talking to other people - anything. But my own personal challenge is I have to do 5 things before I call it a night. I'm hoping if I write these 5 things down, people who read my blog would get involved in said things or be inspired to make their own contribution. Who knows? So today, what have I done?

Smilie 1 - Okay, so this will only work for people in Scotland I'm afraid. I went to and filled in the questionnaire to see how I could use less energy and recycle more. It's great if you're not too sure what you can recycle and what you can't and how to insulate your house most efficiently. Give it a try. :)

Smilie 2 - I started following @petregister on Twitter (follow me if you want -C_vulgaris! :p). What better way to utilise social network sites than to retweet about missing pets? Spread the word and let's get these lost little souls back home! Also visit to find out more about how the organisation works.

Smilie 3 - I wrote a follow up email to the one I sent to Ho Wong restaurant in Glasgow, making them aware about the horrendous practice of obtaining shark fins for shark fin soup. Fingers crossed I hear back. I'll keep you informed1!

Smilie 4 - Take ten minutes to read this post The killing of dolphins and small cetaceans must STOP. I was sitting at my desk today and I was overwhelmed with this helpless feeling. These animals are dying in the most barbaric way and all I could do was sit there. I was reading some articles on the internet today and one article really got to me. It was a brief interview with a Japanese fisherman who had spent many years rounding up pods of dolphins and slaughtering them. Recently, after realising how intelligent these animals are, he decided to try to stop the annual dolphin slaughter at Taiji. He said that many dolphins cleverly worked out how to escape the nets, but would refuse to leave their pod behind and ended up being killed too. He said dolphins would cry and scream when their throats were slit. I know it's brutal and not something people want to watch or read, but the truth is this is happening and we must come together to save the beautiful dolphins in Japan. Please do all you can. They need our help.

Smilie 5 - Why not sign this petition to stop the construction of the Keystone Pipeline System? Does the environment always come second best to money and power? Sign here and share the link! :)

So, how were the Smilies today? Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas, please feel free to email or comment! Thanks for reading!


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